Serving Our Community

In addition to the House of Hope and Katrina Engle Nourishment Program, Send Hope serves the community of Puerto Lempira in a variety of ways.


Jogging Strollers & Wheelchairs

Families with immobile parents and/or partially disabled children have a difficult time moving around town without the use of an expensive taxi. Send hopes collects donations of new and gently used wheelchairs and big-wheel jogging strollers to handle our dirt roads.


School Supplies

At the beginning of each Honduran academic year in February, schools from the area submit requests for school supplies. We typically receive around 40-50 requests each year. Each school is given pens, pencils, notebooks, glue, markers, colored pencils, crayons, erasers, & construction paper.

We collect schools supplies at the end of each academic year in the DFW area.  Do you have new or gently used school supplies to donate? Send us a message and we will arrange a time to drop them off at our warehouse!


Habitat for Humanity

Send Hope partners with Habitat for Humanity Honduras to build homes for needy families in Puerto Lempira. Habitat is able to store their tools and supplies in our bodega, and have a safe location to build the doors, windows, and frames for the cement posts.

Since construction started in 2011, Send Hope has helped Habitat construct over 120 houses, including 32 for disabled lobster divers.

Helping with medical needs

Our medical director, Dr. Marianne Serkland, oversees multiple ministries that serve the medical needs of people in the department Gracias a Dios.


Medical Passage

While some basic medical procedures are possible at our local hospital, many are not. Send Hope provides passage for patients to have the following procedures done in other parts of Honduras: Cleft lip & Cleft Pallet, Cataracts, club feet, and other orthopedic procedures as necessary.


Hosting Medical Teams

The House of Hope hosts a dozen medical teams each year. We are able to store their supplies like tents, pots & pans, sheets, etc to ensure they can bring as many medications and disposable supplies as possible each trip. These teams stay in our guest house before and/or after each trip into the interior, and are provided with a breezeway to sort and organize their supplies.


Arthritis Medications

Arthritis medications are difficult to purchase and expensive here in Honduras. Send Hope purchases these medications for three youths in our areas, and doses them bi-weekly to assists these youths.